Same Day Auto Repair Tire Pros
Auto Repair Tips & Guides

Automotive Repair Tips, News, and Updates


Unbalanced | Tulsa Tires

When your tires are out of balance, the Tulsa tire pros at Same Day can put them back in balance again. You celebrated Memorial Day in part by going to the Route 66 Patriot Fest. While driving, you noticed that something was wrong. The steering wheel seemed to be vibrating and the steering itself seemed […]

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“Tune Up” | Tulsa Auto Care

Whether you call it a tune up, or routine maintenance, when it’s time for Tulsa auto care, it’s time to see the Tulsa auto care pros at Same Day. You haven’t gone dancing in a long time but you’re planning to try Lindy in the Park. You figure you can pick it up again if […]

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Chill | Bixby Auto Air

When you’re looking for a Bixby auto air expert to maintain or repair your Bixby auto air conditioner, it’s time to drop by Same Day. Although it’s hard to believe considering the weather we’ve had this winter, spring is here and summer is on the way. And the time is almost ripe for a weekend […]

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Screech | Tulsa Brakes

If you need a Tulsa brake specialist to repair or replace your Tulsa brakes, see the Tulsa brake technicians at Same Day. When you were headed home from the Pinto Celebration today, you heard a metallic screeching when you used your brakes. Your brakes seemed to be okay, they just made that horrible noise. That […]

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Straight Drive | Bixby Alignment

If your wheels are out of alignment, you need the Bixby alignment specialists at Same Day can help. You were thinking about going to the Oddities and Curiosities Expo today, but now you’re not so sure that’s a good idea. Between the weather that makes roads hazardous and the way your car is acting, it’s […]

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Welcome to the Family | Claremore Auto Care

Claremore Tire is now a member of the Same Day Auto Repair Group. Customers will continue to see the same reliable service you’re accustomed to receiving as well as enhanced benefits. The Same Day Auto Repair group has purchased Claremore Tire, making it the sixth auto service center affiliated with Same Day. At first glance, […]

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More Than an Oil Change | Tulsa Auto Care

You need more than a Tulsa oil change to keep your car in the best condition. For complete Tulsa auto care, call the Tulsa auto care pros at Same Day. You’ve decided to take swing dance lessons and you’re looking forward to your first lesson this evening. It sounds like fun and one way to […]

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Changes | Sand Springs Oil Change

When it’s time to have your Sand Springs oil changed, it’s time to go see the Sand Springs oil change guys at Same Day. You’re planning to brave the cold weather to see Tulsa play SMU in basketball. Because it’s so cold, you plan to bundle up under lots of layers and you’re only wishing […]

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Fuel Injection | Tulsa Auto Repair

When you need a Tulsa auto repair pro to clean or replace your fuel injectors, call the Tulsa auto repair techs at Same Day. You’re headed to Lindy in the Park when you smell gas. You filled the tank a day or so ago, so it’s not spilled fuel. You wonder if you have a […]

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Ready for Anything | Berryhill Tires

The weather changes rapidly this time of year. Make sure your Berryhill tires are ready for any type of weather by consulting the Berryhill tire experts at Same Day. The weather forecast for this weekend is a mixed bag. As says, “We’re in for a taste of fall, spring, and winter – all in […]

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