Same Day Auto Repair
Engine Work

How Do I Know if I Need Engine Repair or Replacement?

  • Signs Of Engine Problems

  • If your vehicle is still running, what are some signs that your engine is having issues? It’s important to know these symptoms so you can get engine problems fixed as soon as possible:
  • – Engine refuses to turn over when you start your car
  • – Unusual noises or shaking while driving
  • – Leaking oil or other fluids
  • – Reduced gas mileage
  • – Stalling or idling, especially if you drive an automatic vehicle
  • Engine Parts

  • While you may think of the engine block as one solid piece, there are actually many parts involved with the engine. Problems with any piece can lead to catastrophic failures. Engine parts that may be causing problems include:
  • – Engine block
  • – Pistons
  • – Cylinder heads
  • – Spark plugs and wires
  • – Gaskets
  • – Valves
  • – Water pump
  • – Fuel pump
  • – Sensors
  • – Crankcase
  • – Ignition system and wires

Reliable Engine Repair at Same Day Auto