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Same Day Auto Repair

Fuel System

Fuel Injection | Tulsa Auto Repair

When you need a Tulsa auto repair pro to clean or replace your fuel injectors, call the Tulsa auto repair techs at Same Day. You’re headed to Lindy in the Park when you smell gas. You filled the tank a day or so ago, so it’s not spilled fuel. You wonder if you have a […]

I Smell Gas | Tulsa Auto Care

When you need a Tulsa auto care pro, call the Tulsa auto care experts at Same Day. You were headed home yesterday from the Chautauqua when you first smelled it – gas. The gas smell was there when your car was running and it remained after you cut it off. Gas is not something you […]

Getting Started | Tulsa Fuel Pump

When your Tulsa fuel pump needs repair or replacement, you need the certified auto repair experts at Same Day Auto Repair. You had your Thanksgiving eve all planned out. You were going to start the day with a quick trip to the zoo to help tire the kids out before braving the grocery store to […]

Oh, No! | Tulsa Check Engine Light

When your Tulsa check engine light comes on, you need the diagnostic experts at Same Day Auto to help you find out what’s wrong. You were headed home last night from a fun dog night at the Tulsa Botanic Gardens when you saw it – the dreaded “check engine” light had come on. It was […]